20 回盘前---无法达到客户要求的回盘技巧







I am really sorry we can't do this project for you at this moment. The material includes a battery and when items with batteries are shipped to the US there is likely a 2 day review period by Customs and Homeland Security. I think we could make it but it may be to risky to make the 15th.





有时候我们实在忙不过来,但我们得要用一个有礼貎又有起承转合的英文来"拒绝客人". 在拒绝客人的时候, 礼貌一定要想办法周全一点.....

I am sorry at this point it will take us a week or more to quote any of these items. Our speciality is promotional items and items like that. We do occasionally get into other items like listed but the time allotted is much too short.

In addition, with what we have sourced so far the factories have all been contacted already several times by other agents. There is a lot of competition.


Unfortunately, we can not make the timeline for the quotes needed. We would need much more time.

I am so sorry to leave you hanging on this one. However, thanks for the opportunity, please keep us in mind for future projects.


客气的拒绝不好的客人, 以后留下来的自然就都是好客人了(不要怕没有客人啦,把你的时间留下来)....

Thanks for letting us know. We will not be able to meet that price and without a PO and artwork today we will not be able to meet your deadline of September 1st. However thanks for the opportunity.







  1. 客人的due date是7月10日,这个需要上机印刷,生产时间需要10天,国庆工厂也要放假,要7月6日差不多才能生产好,10'长的1000个有22kg,走大陆很贵,只能走威龙的香港DHL,客人收到差不多要到10月14日.
  1. GDXXXXXXXXXX-20这个是上机印的,1000个卖0.416我们是没有任何利润的,1000个现在做的这家不一定愿意帮我们做,他们会嫌麻烦,还需要再谈谈,还有就是PO里面客人没有setup charge。



Hello Mike,

I am sorry there are some issues with this order.

Unfortunately upon review by the art department and production, we can not make your deadline of October 6th, with the artwork provided. If it were a 1 color background we could make the 6th, but we would need the revised artwork today.

With the current artwork, which is full color not 3 colors, we can make the 16th of October. However, since the artwork is full color the pricing you are using incorrect. The full color price is $.70 each and should be a minimum quantity of 3000 but we can do 1000 for you at the $.70 price and delivery on the 16th of October.

If you can change the artwork to a 1 color background with a 1 color imprint we can keep the same pricing you have and make your deadline of the 6th. We just need the revised artwork by today at 4PM.

We are very sorry for any confusion about this product.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.


老板,帅哥和美女,生活真的很不容易啊,来一点点赏吧! 👏👏👏


老板,帅哥和美女,生活真的很不容易啊,来一点点赏吧! 👏👏👏 [关闭]