QR Code Maker

QR Text
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This QR code maker is easy to use, quickly generate QR code, add caption on header or description on footer, design your QR code in one minute, download image and share it. It's also very convenient to use this with a mobile phone.

How to use this QR code generator

Input free text, url, phone number or anything you want, add caption or some instructions as appropriate, download your design then share to you friends, you can also try your QR code scanner to see if it workable or not.

Besides free text, you can also use some protocal, for example

How to download your QR Code

On the some mobile phone browsers, maybe you can't download your QR code by the button, but you can long press the image to popup the download function.

Function test passed in browser Google Chrome ver. 87

QR code tools

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Scan QR Code To Open Browser

What is a QR Code?

The QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, QR Codes are gaining popularity because the technology is "open source", i.e. available for everyone. Significant advantages of QR Codes over conventional barcodes are larger data capacity and high fault tolerance.

QR is short for Quick Response (they can be read quickly by a cell phone). They are used to take a piece of information from a transitory media and put it in to your cell phone. You may soon see QR Codes in a magazine advert, on a billboard, a web page or even on someone's t-shirt. Once it is in your cell phone, it may give you details about that business (allowing users to search for nearby locations), or details about the person wearing the t-shirt, show you a URL which you can click to see a trailer for a movie, or it may give you a coupon which you can use in a local outlet.

The reason why they are more useful than a standard barcode is that they can store (and digitally present) much more data, including url links, geo coordinates, and text. The other key feature of QR Codes is that instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan them, many modern cell phones can scan them.

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