Speed Converter

km/h : kilometers per hour(kph)
mph : miles per hour
knots : nautical mile per hour
m/min : meters per minute
ft/min : feet per minute
m/s : meters per second
ft/s : feet per second
Fill km/h, mph, knots, m/min, ft/min, m/s or ft/s to convert each other

This speed converter can convert km/h(kph), mi/h(mph), nmi/h(knots), m/min, ft/min, m/s, ft/s to each other, the calculation result come with formulas, easy to know what the speed in different units.

How to use this tool

Speed unit conversion formula

Kilometer per hour

The kilometer per hour is a unit of speed, expressing the number of kilometres travelled in one hour, km/h or kph are both abbreviations of kilometer per hour.

Miles per hour

Miles per hour (abbreviated mph, MPH or mi/h) is an imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one hour.


1 international knot = 1 nautical mile per hour. Although the unit knot does not fit within the SI system, its retention for nautical and aviation use is important because the length of a nautical mile, upon which the knot is based, is closely related to the longitude/latitude geographic coordinate system. As a result, nautical miles and knots are convenient units to use when navigating an aircraft or ship.

If you drive at 100 km/h, how far will you move in a second ?

1 km = 1000 m
100 km = 100 × 1000 m = 100000 m
1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 × 60 seconds = 3600 seconds
100 km/h = 100000 m ÷ 3600 sec. = 27.77777777777778 m/sec.
Answer : approximately 28 meters.

When you drive at 60 mph, blink your eyes. What is the distance you move ?

One eye blink lasts about 0.3 seconds
1 mile = 5280 ft
60 miles = 60 × 5280 ft = 316800 ft
1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 × 60 seconds = 3600 seconds
60 mph = 316800 ft ÷ 3600 sec. = 88 ft/s
88 ft/s × 0.3 sec = 26.4 ft
Answer : when you blink, you will move 26 feet

Speed Converter

Length Unit Converters

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